#ThisIsEngineering at Variohm This week was #ThisIsEngineering day. We spoke to some of the team working in our Engineering department to find out what they think of Engineering as a subject. #ThisIsEngineering is a campaign to teach people more about what engineering is about. It’s about bringing engineering to life for the younger generation - to make them understand that there are a huge array of jobs within engineering, not only the stereotypical ones which might first come to mind. Because of the sector we operate in we are seeing the difference engineering makes to different industries. Engineering at Variohm Our engineering department consists of a team of 6 - we also have a production department with 14 employees working on assembling and modifying the parts we supply. Our engineering team work very closely with our sales team and our production team to develop products to solve applications within a wide range of industries. Within our engineering department, we have our Apprentice Jacob who started with is in 2016. As well as Nathan and Jordan who joined the team in 2014 as apprentices and finished their apprenticeships in 2018, they are now fully qualified and moving onto further opportunities within Variohm. We also have John our Electronics Design Engineer, Zahan our Production Engineer and Richard our Engineering Manager. What our Engineering Department has to say... We asked some of our engineering team what they like most about engineering. Jacob says; “I like engineering because every day is a challenge. There’s not one day that I’m doing the same thing. I get to create, plan and see the finished product which gives me great satisfaction. It’s great to take a project from an enquiry to the final stages where it is being produced and sold.” Jacob has been working with Variohm since 2016, in this time he has won the AMI Manufacturing Apprentice award and made it to the final of the Northamptonshire Chamber Business Awards for Apprentice of the year. Jordan is our Mechanical Development Engineer; he says; “I like engineering because of the daily challenges of problem solving for different scenarios” Nathan is our Research & Development Engineer; he says; “I enjoy engineering because we problem solve on a daily basis, using logical techniques to achieve solutions that all parties are happy with. Some things are simple and others are more challenging, but the problems are ever changing and that’s what keeps me excited about working in engineering” If you want to find out more about the new products we have been developing within our engineering department take a look at our blog post Custom Sensors from Variohm. If you are looking for a solution to your sensing application please contact us and we’ll help to find or create a solution for you. More about #ThisIsEngineering #ThisIsEngineering is the official day where engineers can come together to help showcase the different aspects of an engineering career. They want to make it clear to everyone that engineering is all around us and is a vital part of development for so many industries. You can find out more about them by visiting their website. www.thisisengineering.org.uk Article published on: 08/11/2019 Article last updated on: 08/11/2019