Brexit One Year On This time last year the UK voted to leave the EU. How has this affected Variohm Holdings over the past 12 months? Variohm Holdings; incorporating Variohm Eurosensor, Herga Technology, Heason Technology and Ixthus Instrumentation, distributes goods to countries all over the world, many being within the EU. We also have many suppliers who are from countries within the EU and we have a number of employees who are not of British descent. So, when the UK population voted to Brexit there was a lot of unknowns as to how things would proceed. As a group of companies, the past 12 months have been really good for us and we don’t see this changing any time soon. How has Brexit Affected Variohm Holdings so far? Over the past 12 months since Brexit, Variohm Holdings has had the best 12 months on record. Our order intake has increased by 24%. We have remained confident and assured our customers that Brexit will not affect our ability to offer the top-class service that we are proud of. The relationships we have with our long-term and new customers have remained positive and we continue to do business with all of them as regularly as ever. Our supplier relationships are also still very good, we have sustained a service which has not been disrupted and we continue to build on the good relationships with our suppliers and partners today. We have always looked after all of our employees whether they are British or non-British, none of our employees have seen any change since Brexit (apart from the performance related bonus of course!). We are still investing in our people as we always have done. Graham Pattison, our Group Managing Director says “Since Brexit we have seen nothing but positivity from our customers, suppliers, partners and employees. Thank you to all of our customers and suppliers and a big well done to all of our employees for contributing to our best 12 months on record!” Of course , things are always changing and as article 50 was only triggered in March 2017, there is still about 20 months to go until the UK officially leaves the EU. However, we remain confident that our standards of service will stay high and relationships will continue to grow. Article published on: 23/06/2017 Article last updated on: 23/06/2017