Tea and Cake, Fancy Dress, Shoe Boxes and Christmas Jumpers If you follow Variohm on Social Media you will have noticed the amount of charity related activities we have done in the run up to Christmas. As a company we think it is important to donate to charity to support those less fortunate than ourselves. Macmillan Coffee morning For the past 5 years we have hosted our very own Macmillan Coffee morning in September. We are often surprised by the amount of keen bakers we have on our team and we often end up indulging in some truly beautiful and delicious cakes and bakes. As well as cakes we also put on a pretty impressive raffle. The prizes are donated by our team members and we also include any gifts from our suppliers which have been sent during the year. This year our prizes included 2 Fit Bits along with plenty of beauty products and wine of course! Macmillan is a charity which is close to many people’s hearts and so it is great to be able to support such an important cause. This year we raised over £200 – not bad for eating cake and hoping to win fit bits and wine! Children In Need This is another of our favourites; we have been doing a fancy dress day for children since 2012. It’s always a laugh arriving at the office in fancy dress – some of our employees go all out with painted faces and really good quality costumes. It’s a big talking point in the office of “what are you dressing up as?” We award a Best Dressed prize. Variohm often buy a fish and chip lunch for our employees if they donate to Children In Need so we all eat together. This year we raised… Operation Christmas Child A newer one for Variohm. Operation Christmas Child involves sending a shoe box filled with small gifts and toys to a child who will not receive other gifts for Christmas. In the past we have filled the shoeboxes ourselves but this year we have used the online system to send a pre packed shoebox. We raised enough money to send 13 shoeboxes – it’s really lovely to know that we are doing our part to help those less fortunate then ourselves. Christmas Jumpers We love Christmas Jumper day, it gets everybody in a festive mood and it’s a great way to raise money for charity. We tend to go along the Text donation route which Save the Children offer, you can pick a unique code for your employees to text which will donate £2 to Save the Children. In previous years we have created Christmas Music Videos in our Christmas jumpers – these are featured on our YouTube Channel if you want to take a look… Variohm YouTube Channel We are yet to total up our donations for Save The Children but watch this space… Ongoing Donations As well as our fund raising events we also have a couple of ongoing donation systems that we are a part of. Easy Fundraising Easy Fundraising is a charity who works with retailers who have signed up to support different causes. Some of our suppliers are associated with Easy fundraising which means whenever we make an online purchase through them, a percentage of the price goes to our chosen cause. We have chosen to support our local secondary school. Our Easy Fundraising account was set up in 2016 and we continue to use it today. Amazon Smile We use Amazon regularly for office supplies, Amazon smile is the same as Amazon except they donate 0.5% of the purchase price of your goods to your chosen charity. We have only recently set up our Amazon Smile account and have chosen to support St. Francis Children’s Society – this charity has been used by one of our staff members when she went through the adoption process to find her children. Overall we feel like we do a lot to support charities, we pull together as a team and do what we can for those in need. Does your company have any special charity days? We would love to hear about them! Why not send us a message via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and let us know about your charity work? · Facebook · LinkedIn · Twitter Article published on: 14/12/2018 Article last updated on: 14/12/2018