Variohm Holdings wins Top 100 Business Award 2017 We are delighted to announce that for the fourth year in a row, Variohm Holdings has been awarded the Grant Thornton Top 100 Business Award. The Grant Thornton Top 100 Business Award recognises financial growth in businesses. After analysing all businesses within the region, the Top 100 businesses that have grown the most in terms of turnover in the past 12 months are presented with an award. Over the past 12 months, Variohm Holdings has faced some changes; in January Variohm Holdings was acquired by Acal plc and Roy Moffatt, the founder and Managing Director resigned his position as Managing Director of the four inclusive companies to Graham Pattison – the former Group Sales Director. Graham, Roy and Acal have been working very closely to ensure that the business continues to grow under the new ownership, being presented with this award proves that the hard work has paid off. It is a credit to Variohm Holdings to receive this award for the fourth year in succession during a time when change has been taking place. Graham Pattison, the Managing Director of Variohm Holdings received the award from Mike Hughes who visited Variohm Eurosensor in Northamptonshire in order to present the award. Graham says “It is fantastic to be recognised for our hard work for the fourth consecutive year. Well done to everyone and keep up the good work! ” The Top 100 Business Award in Northamptonshire According to the Grant Thornton website; the 2017 report showed that employment levels have risen by 11.8% within Northamptonshire this year. The report also showed that the combined turnover of the top 100 organisations in Northamptonshire increased by 9.5% bringing the total to £6 billion. The Automotive and Retail sector had the second biggest turnover of £1.3billion and was followed by Industrial and Manufacturing with a turnover of £713 million. Being a part of both of these sectors has contributed to our growth and helped us to qualify for the Top 100 Business Award 2017. Without the continued support of our customers, suppliers and our employees we would not have been able to achieve this award. We would like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank You to everyone involved in helping us to get to where we are today. Article published on: 14/06/2017 Article last updated on: 14/06/2017