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Technical Blog

Types of Rotary Position Sensor

Rotary position sensors are part of our product portfolio; there are many different types of rotary position sensors.

A rotary position sensor is used to measure displacement in a rotary fashion, in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

The different types of rotary position sensors include contacting or non-contacting technology. True non-contacting rotary position sensors contain no touching parts which this gives them long mechanical life as there is no wear and tear.

Another way to determine a type of rotary position sensor is whether it is single turn or multi-turn. A single turn rotary position sensor can measure angles of rotation up to 360° whereas a multi-turn sensor can continue to rotate past 360? for larger measurement/number of turns.

Types of Rotary Position Sensor

Potentiometer – Rotary potentiometers are a type of contacting technology. They use a circular resistive track with wiper attachments similar to a linear potentiometer but in a rotary format. They are available as single turn or multi-turn and different sizes to suit various applications.

Hall Effect – Hall Effect technology is a key player in our non-contacting rotary position sensors. We have our own range of Hall Effect sensors which are well proven in various industries & applications – particularly industrial/mobile vehicle and motorsport. As well as our standard range we also have a miniature range of Hall Effect rotary position sensors, all of these are programmable and have options for customisation.

Positek Inductive Technology – Positek inductive sensors come from our sister company. They use technology unique to Positek, they work similarly to RVDTs and other inductive sensors but have benefits including full customisation, temperature resistance, high response and are highly robust

RVDT – Another form of non-contacting technology, coming from our supplier TE. Rotary Variable Differential Transducer, they use electromechanical outputs which form an alternating current to measure rotary displacement.

Where are Rotary Position Sensors Used?

Rotary position sensors are used for a variety of applications in industries and environments include;

  • Test and measurement
  • OEM solutions
  • Camera angles for CCTV cameras
  • Medical Applications
  • Rudder references on ships and boats
  • Motorsport applications – throttle position, steering and pedal position
  • Industrial

Rotary Position Sensors from Variohm

Our range of rotary position sensors have the following features

  • Simple mounting for easy installation
  • Long life
  • Wider operating temperature range
  • Outstanding linearity and repeatability
  • Long life

For more information on types of rotary position sensors or to discuss an application you may have please contact us.

Article published on: 07/09/2020

Article last updated on: 07/09/2020