Variohm engineers visit our supplier of Load Cells Zemic Europe We have a close relationship with our suppliers and customers. It is important that our load cell engineers Gerald Carr and Alan Disbery, keep up to date with the latest training, information, applications and new products that our supplier Zemic Europe can provide.This ensures we are able to offer the best solution at the best price to our customers. During the visit it became clear that Zemic Europe are very passionate about their products, that passion is something we would like to portray to our customers in the UK. This was Gerald’s first visit to Zemic Europe. “It’s always nice meeting people in person after having had discussions over the phone, putting a face to a name can further personalise your contact with them”. Alan says. “The visit was a great success for both of us, there is always new things to learn and the people at Zemic Europe are friendly, knowledgeable, professional and between them have years of expertise, it’s just like us at Variohm”. Further training enhances Variohm’s ability to help our customers find the ideal solutions for their needs. About Zemic Europe Zemic, founded in 1965 have built up a reputation as one of the leading suppliers of load cells, strain gauges and sensors in the Asian region and as a manufacturer of many known brand names in the European load cell market. Zemic Europe are celebrating their tenth year and are proud to work with Variohm Eurosensor in supplying the UK with load cells and associated electronics to help with customer applications and projects. Article published on: 07/07/2016 Article last updated on: 07/07/2016