Will the decision to Brexit Affect Variohm? So the votes are in and after 72.2% of the British population voted in the EU Referendum, Britain will be leaving the EU with a Leave vote of 51.9%. The question now is – how will this affect us? As a company, we supply goods to all over the world, many of them to countries within the EU. Many of our suppliers are also from countries within the EU. Roughly 20% of our employees working at our Towcester site are not of British descent. So, how will Brexiting affect us? How will Brexit affect our customers? We will ensure that our service stays to our high standard to all of our customers around the world. We don’t know for certain what is going to happen next. There will probably be a period of renegotiation between us and the EU, we can’t make any decisions based on guesses. We can, however, assure all of our customers that we will be providing the same standard of service. “We are confident that the Brexit vote will not affect our ability to offer top-class services to all of our customers.” Roy Moffatt, Managing Director “Although no one has any guarantees and we just need to wait for the initial hysteria to settle. I believe initially there will be no change and I am extremely confident that we will continue to trade freely in the long-term. Additionally, our businesses have years of experience in exporting Worldwide and we will continue to supply an excellent service to all our customers.” Graham Pattison – Sales Director How will Brexit affect our employees? Our stores employees may have a little more work to do in the future as there may be more documentation to go with orders to the EU. This is something that we will have to work into our despatch procedure. It may slow us down at first but we are sure that the extra procedures will not affect us long term. For the non-British employees, here at Variohm, nothing will change; according to the Guardian, the leave campaign gave assurance that any new immigration systems would not affect the non-British citizens already in the country. Cathy, our Operation Director deals with the HR at Variohm, she says; “Here at Variohm we really value our workers from Europe they are an integral part of our team and we don’t want to lose them and believe they will be with us into the future, we don’t believe the UK is going to kick everybody out, we can’t function as a nation without the people who come here with valuable skills and support our nation. Future immigration rules may be changed, but as a nation we do need immigration to bring us skills that we as a nation lack. We can’t afford to plug our skills gaps without immigration, though this may become more tightly controlled.” How will Brexit affect our suppliers? As with our customers, we are confident that we can continue to deliver a high level of service with our suppliers. There may be more documentation to put in place but we are determined not to let this affect the good relationships we currently have with the suppliers and partners we work closely with. “There shouldn't be any effect on our suppliers but this depends on the outcome of trade negotiations” Roy Moffatt. “We will continue to promote, use and sell their products and we will work closely with them to ensure supply is not affected.” Graham Pattison. Overall we are looking at Brexit as being positive for our business. At the moment we are waiting to find out what changes are going to be made so that we can adapt to the new rules and regulations. We will be keeping our existing working relationships positive and our customers will be valued as always. “As a business we will be affected by the economic uncertainty that causes fluctuations in currency, but there is no need to panic, we don’t know all the facts of what will happen next and the timeline for change is not immediate.” Cathy Donoghue. Article published on: 24/06/2016 Article last updated on: 24/06/2016