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SoftPot (Rotary) Membrane Potentiometer

SoftPot (Rotary) Membrane Potentiometer

The SoftPot (Rotary) Membrane Potentiometer is a resistive element comprising of a conductive resistor, a sealed encasement and a simple wiper assembly. membrane potentiometers can also be used as voltage dividers.

The SoftPot (Rotary) Membrane Potentiometer is a three-wire system with two resistive output channels and an electrical collector channel.

By pressing a wiper down onto the top circuit the SoftPot (Rotary) Membrane Potentiometer produces the desired electrical output. The wiper is a non-conductive mechanism that depresses the top circuit actuating the potentiometer from the outside of the element. The top and bottom circuits are separated by 0.15mm (0.006³) of spacer adhesive build-up and contact between the circuit occurs by pressure (usually 1-3 Newtons) from the wiper on the top circuit, pushing down until the top circuit connects with the bottom circuit to create a potentiometric output.

The construction of the wiper design can adapt to any application because most materials can serve as the wiper: plastics, metals, sliders, rollers, wheels, etc. Also, the SoftPot can also be manually (hand) actuated.

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